



What Is Pay Per Lead?

Our Pay Per Lead services are more targeted and effective than traditional SEO strategies. We recommend a combination of on page SEO strategies to make the most of the organic search results and pay per lead generation so that your business receives high quality, laser targeted prospective buyers quickly and for the long term.

We offer pay per lead services in different packages:

Pay per lead – pay only for qualified leads. Call tracking will provide you with analytics to see what calls are converting and know that you are only paying for genuinely qualified leads.

Traditional SEO services for your business website plus pay per lead generation services.

Let clients find you, don’t go chasing them.
Provide us with the exact demographics of the people you want calling you.

Agree on a payment per lead that works for you.

We also offer:

No commitment plans.
Instant cancellations.
Enjoy a trial period with absolutely no obligation to stay on.
Call now on: 0413131202

It is important to us that you have a positive pay per lead experience. We treat you as our partners and we understand that the more business we generate for you, the better it is for both of our businesses.

Our leads are generated in a variety of ways. These include:

– social media marketing.
– Adwords and other PPC networks.
– SEO and organic search results.
– Landing pages that are split tested for the best conversions.
– NO service/management fees
– NO ongoing maintenance fees


High Quality Article Writing

You Need Quality Content
Everyone needs high quality content for their main website. This includes website content as well as blog content.

Go Viral Now works with Australian writers who are university educated and experienced at writing optimised content for a range of topics. They are able to research and write articles on topics given to them and they are also able to go out and find trending topics to research and product articles from start to finish.

You will get an opportunity to edit the draft and make comments based on the first run through. Final edits will be completed and the blog post or article provied to you to publish. We also have trained webmasters who can publish the blog posts for you.

Go Viral Now can also set up automated blog posting so that every time you publish a new blog post, your message gets out to a wide range of high quality, branded properties.

Your search engine ranking can be greatly improved by having well written blog posts and articles on your website and in other, relevant, blog and article directories.

A blog post can be one way to demonstrate that you “know your stuff” and can increase customer trust and loyalty in you and your business. By freely contributing information, in a blog post or article, you show your expertise and willingness to share this knowledge. This also works well in forums and question and answer sites.

Blog Posts and Articles

It is hard to maintain fresh content on most websites as, very likely, most of your basic business information doesn’t change. A blog, attached to your website, is an easy and effective way to add fresh content and increase the number of search results with high rankings from your targeted keywords.

The Best Way to Rank Blog Posts and Articles
The best way to get an article ranked well in the search results is to:

Write a well researched article based around one keyword/phrase.
Your article must have at least 350-500 words
At least one image with your keyword in the alt tag.

The Best Way to Rank Blog Posts and Articles

The best way to get an article ranked well in the search results is to:

Write a well researched article based around one keyword/phrase.
Your article must have at least 350-500 words.

Add at least one relevant image with your keyword as the alt tag.

Try to to have a relevant link going out from your article. (Your link could be to your Facebook page or to a source referred to in your article. Always attribute.)

It’s important to make sure that all your meta tags and descriptions are optimised so that the search engines can easily understand the topic of your article and the keyword and category that it should be in.

You can have a wide range of first page ranked articles for keywords and phrases that have good, relevant traffic. This can give a big boost to your search engine rank and increase the number of keywords and phrases that you are found for. This will, in turn, increase trust and loyalty from both new and existing customers.

If you have a Vision We will help you turn it into reality

What We Help You Do


Increase Visibility

Your brand deserves to be known. Dominate Google rankings through a wide range of digital marketing strategies including SEO, social media, video and search engine marketing.


Increase Number of Customers

Our conversion optimisation strategies not only help drive buyers to your website, we help make sure you convert as many of those visitors as possible.

Increase Return on Investment

After all, that’s the reason you’re in business! You want to improve your bottom line through effective marketing strategies.

Partner with Us

You are not just a client to us, you are our partner. Our business relies on your business’ success. Our sole aim is to generate more business and wider exposure for you and your brand.

Reputation Management

We track brand mentions, assist you to gain high quality reviews and testimonials from your happy clients. It’s important thatyou are in control of your online reputation and brand.

Monthly Analytics and Reports

We provide monthly reports to help you understand and track the success of your campaigns. All campaigns are on a month by month basis.

Australian Office, Writers and Link Building

We use Australian writers and link builders for your peace of mind. All our link building is of the highest quality and we focus on quality rather than quantity.


Content Curation & Creation

Our content curation, creation and repurposing strategies help you make the most of your quality content. This gets your brand and message out and ensures you are found for a wide range of keywords.

Multi Media

Through strategic use of video, podcast, blog and PowerPoint/Prezi slide shows, we make sure your brand and message is available in a wide variety of multi media formats. This helps increase your chances to take over the first page for your target keywords.

Coogee 2034

Sydney, NSW, Australia



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