If you’re not getting the phone calls, sales or opt ins from your existing website visitors, then more than likely you don’t have it set up to convert.
Find out how to turn your website into a conversion and sales machine ready to turn hungry visitors into buyers, clients, customers and opt ins.
The text is very small but you can easily download the entire infographic with an explanatory eBook that goes through each step.
– why you should add click to call phone numbers
– where you should place your Call to Action banners, text and buttons
– what is the most important part of your website
– how to immediately engage your website visitors
– how to make sure your visitors flow through your site naturally and so they end up taking action
– about content and what sort you need
– how to make sure your visitors trust you, even if they haven’t heard of you before
– how to SEO (search engine optimise) your website so Google will know what your site is about and they send highly qualified and targeted visitors.
And so much more…